Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to Me?

My Mother's Day was not relaxing, or indulgent.  I spent my day performing the tasks that led to my being celebrated - mothering.  On Sunday, we had 4 friends over, and they, along with Erik, spent 11 hours (including a lunch break) building this:

As you can imagine, Stephen LOVES it!!!

We'll have a lot of fun for years to come with this beast of a playset.  Stephen is climbing up the ladder very well already, and it only took a couple of reminders for him to duck when going in and out of the doorways on the upper level.  This has been a great gift for me, too, because I LOVE seeing my boy so happy.


Megan said...

Love your Tiny Wildcat's Shirt! What a fun play set. Everyday is Mother's day for us right?

Anonymous said...

Love Stephen's smile in the second photo! Great!

Aunt B

Shannon*Name Frames said...

That is an awesome playset. Stephen is lucky to have a mom like you!!

Cindy said...

He will use that for years...way to go! And Happy Belated Mother's Day!