Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat!

We took our little robot out to the zoo to do some Trick or Treating on Saturday night. We had to wait in line for 45 minutes just to get in, putting it close to bedtime by that point. Stephen managed to keep up for the first half of the walk, but then he was just toast. It had been a long walk, and it was late. He really had a good time watching the other kids, and looking at all of their costumes. This picture was taken at one of the stops at the zoo.

On Sunday, we got a bit of an earlier start.
Stephen thought it was a lot of fun to show off his robot costume to all of his friends on the street. This was at one of our neighbors' houses, and he wasn't at all intimidated by the decorations!
In fact, here he is, dancing at that same house!
Halloween was a big success this year! We all had a lot of fun, and now we have more candy than we know what to do with!

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